Monday, May 26, 2008

Christian Support for Couples Facing Infertility or Pregnancy Loss

I stumbled upon this site while searching for a Bible study with an emphasis on adoption or infertility. It seems like it is just getting started, but will probably be a great resource! There is a six-week Bible Study based on Without Hope You are Hopeless! by Casey and Julie Ross. Here’s a synopsis of the theme for each study:

Study 1: Why us?
This study focuses on learning that you’re infertile and wondering, “What did we do to deserve this?’

Study 2: God “Owes” Us a Child
This study discusses how many couples who have led virtuous lives feel as if God owes them a child. It examines the Scripture from Genesis 1:28: God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.’

Study 3: You Need People
This study talks about how, during the journey through infertility, couples need the support of people who are sensitive to their unique needs.

Study 4: Let It Out
This study centers around expressing your emotions in healthy ways.

Study 5: Learn to Laugh “Infertility stinks! But if you don’t learn to laugh at it from time to time, it will defeat you.”
This study encourages you to learn to laugh together as a couple about your infertility, in ways that will strengthen your marriage and help you cope with infertility.

Study 6: Without Hope, You are Hopeless
This study encourages readers to trust God and to develop an intimate relationship with Him that focuses on God’s faithfulness. God doesn’t always answer our prayers the way we desire, but that doesn’t mean we should give up trusting in Him.

If anyone is interested in doing this study with me, please let me know :)


Unknown said...

you have done a good study. It needs more theological and psychological studies and reasearch. wish you good luck.


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Rebecca said...

great blog! My wife and I experienced a recent adoption loss and the grief asscoiated with it. We are are also starting a full-time ministry,, to help other families through counseling and this will be an area I hope we can help with. Our ministry is now linked to stepping stones as well.

Beth Forbus said...

Sarah's Laughter is a Christian infertility ministry. They will have an Infertility Bible Study ready in early 2009. It will be much more in depth than the one you've mentioned. If you're interested, contact them at said...

I tried to sign up for your newsletter, but it kept freezing on me and I don't think went through. Please add me - jsaake AT yahoo DOT com

Jennifer Saake
author, Hannah's Hope: Seeking God's Heart in the Midst of Infertility, Miscarriage & Adoption Loss (NavPress, 2005)